Mobile Assessments to Improve Screening and Novel Patient Engagement to Diagnose and Manage Maternal Mental Health (MIND) Study Midpoint Analysis: Compliance Rate of Antenatal Screening - A-03
Likelihood of subsequent type two diabetes diagnosis among patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes and a 50-gram one-hour glucose test value of 200 mg/dl or greater - A-16
Role of environmental discrimination on birth weight: A systematic examination in a sample of Black, Latina and White woman in the Phoenix metropolitan area - C-01
YOU MATTER: Elevating the Community Voice to Improve Patient Knowledge of Severe Maternal Morbidity Warning Signs Through Innovative Video Education at Postpartum Discharge - C-07
Main Street, USA Enrollment: Community Hospital Recruitment Strategies for Diverse and Equitable Selection of Pregnant Participants in a Prospective Cohort Study - C-17
Undetected Maternal Cell Contamination in Products of Conception Analysis may Mask Recurrence Risks for Future Pregnancies: A Case Report and Discussion - D-15
Evaluating the impact of interdisciplinary simulation training on provider comfort in the management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in a low resource setting - G-12
Diabetes and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and the Risk of 3rd and 4th Degree Perineal Lacerations: a large United States cohort 2016-2020 - G-04
Predicting patients requiring treatment for depression in the postpartum period from common electronic medical record data antepartum using machine learning - J-02
No transfer of merotocin (FE 202767) to breast milk in post-partum women: a novel short-acting oxytocin receptor agonist for the induction and support of lactation - J-01
Location: Hall D
Teresa Baker, MD – Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Amarillo
Saturday, May 20th
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM ET
Defined Protocol Including Quantitative Blood Loss Obviates the Need for Postpartum Day 1 Complete Blood Count in Uncomplicated Vaginal Deliveries - J-04
Tailored, just-in-time education and resources for birthing individuals and newborn caregivers after hospital discharge: developing a chatbot experience - J-08
Promoting Best Practice in Obstetrics: Findings from a State-Based Perinatal Quality Collaborative Implementing the Obstetric Hemorrhage Maternal Safety Bundle - M-16
Virtual prenatal care: The impact of telemedicine and home-ultrasound on maternal anxiety and attachment during pregnancy in women with a history of pregnancy loss - O-14